Owning your own home is a central component to the American Dream, but for far too many Rhode Islanders it is out of reach. Even when someone does have a home, rising costs make it difficult for many to stay in them - particularly the elderly.

Sewer Assessments

Although Joe believes we need to update our infrastructure, he also knows that these investments can place unaffordable burdens on home owners.

Joe introduced legislation that reduces excess interest rate chargeable by the Warwick Sewer Authority from a maximum rate of one and1.25% to a maximum rate of 0.5%.

He also introduced legislation that would give a property owner a one-time tax credit for the actual costs of connecting their home to a municipal sewer system.

Burying Power Lines

For many, electrical outages go beyond a minor inconvenience - it is a matter of life and death. Joe believes that power companies have an obligation to maintain their systems to avoid unnecessary electrical outages. That’s why Joe introduced legislation that would require power companies to bury powerlines after a history of extended power outages.